Toolkit v01
I create this toolkit based on what I need to optimize my work in my job and in my personal projects, all of the scripts in this toolkit was made using PYTHON (some of them have a few lines using MEL), and the main window was made using Qt Designer.
The left side has the simplest scripts, this scripts use to be a part of my shelf, this scripts usually need just a click, or a selection and a click.
This kind of scripts looks really simples, but in my daily work, it saves me a lot of time in a basic but repetitive things.
1- It creates some offsets, it allows me to create 1(Z), 2(P), 3(Offs) or 4(Grp) offsets in any object that I want, it also allows you to create the offsets to any number of objects as the same time
2- In my last job I had to play a lot with the draw style of the joints, so this scripts let me hide/show all the joints or the selected joints, I'm sure that this script is the script that I used more times everyday!!
3- This script let me create a direct connection or a constraint connection, I can choose what transforms I want to connect.
4- I have a special love to this script, in fact it is really simple, it just create a locator in the same position of the selected objects, so, if it's so simple, why I love it? In my current job I have to redo a lot of things, you know, updates in the model/autorig, request to move the pivots, this kind of things, and this little script saves me a lot of time, with it I can redo the rig using the autorig with just a few clicks because this locators saves for the correct positions.
5- This script is a small part of my own autorig (still in progress), what it does is to duplicate and connect new chains of joints, this means that I just have to create the base joints chain, rename it correctly, and the script creates for me the FK and the IK chians, and also connect them to the original chain with a switch controller.
The right side is way more interesting, some scripts there are simple, but all the scripts in this part need their own windows in order to work fine.
With this scripts I learned a lot of things because some of them required some specific things, things about python and things about maya, so this scripts were really fun to do!
1- I made this script in order to practice my python skills, I learned a lot of new things here!
Also this tool will help me to save a lot time in my current job and in my personal projects as Character Td.
If you want to see a video explaining a bit about this tool, you can see it here.
2- This script allows me to create a lot of rivets in a plane using matrix for that, it also create a joint for any rivet. The interesting thing is that this script allows me to create any number of rivets that I need, It doesn't matter the number of spans in the plane or the size of it.
I know that the latest versions of maya includes some rivets, but In my current job we use maya 2018, so I had to adapt and the result is this script.
3- Some day I heard that in Blender you can divide a joint in any number of joints that you want, when I heard that I thought "I want to do the same in maya", and that's why I create this script.
At the begging I thought that I never would use it, but in reality I have used it a lot in my job, I use it to create some big chains, and also I have used it in order to get the exactly position of something between 2 points
4- This script is also a small part of my own autorig, its really simple to use, it create some locators that you have to place around your feet, then you click the second button and it connect everything in the control that you want
5- This tool allows me to create a simple FK chain, with controls, offsets and joints, or a more interesting chain that I use to call Tail Chain. This Tail Chain is similar to FK chain, but this chain have one extra control (with his own offsets) in order to control any joint without affect the rest if the chain, I use this kind of chains a lot my current job, it gives me a nice control and is really simple to do.
Also the tool allows me to choose the front and the up axis in case that I need a different orientations.
6-This tool is a WIP, I mean, it works fine and I use it a lot in my job, but it has some problems right now, for example the base joints has to be orienten in X.
But as I said it works fine if I have everything in the correct orientation.
This tool was made thinking in create push joints setup, but with a few clicks I can adapt this setup to drive corrective shapes, I think this tools is really nice and I hope to fix the problems with the orientations in the future.