In my free times I like to do personal projects, sometimes to try something new, sometimes to practice and some other times just for fun, I share with community some of these rigs for free, the only things that I ask you are: don't use them in commercial projects and if you animate something with them, send me the animation, I would love to see what you can do with my babys!
Jogar rig
I made this rig as a practice last year (2022), it was a lot of fun working on a 3D version of me!.
You can download me for free in the next link:
Tank Rig
I made this tank in a stream in my channel on twitch just for practice, it was really funny to do because I had to try a lot of different things.
You can download me for free in the next link:
Jogar Streamer Rig
Hallo! I'm Jogar Streamer, a version of Jogar Character Td in 3D, I was made with advanced skeleton during a course, but saddly I'm still not alive, can you help me to give me some personality?
You can download me for free in the next link:
Lisa Rig
Hi, my name is Lisa, I was created by some 3D artists, but they left me before I was alive. Can you help me to be alive and have a personality?
You can download me for free in the next link: