The second tip es: Skinning, this is usually the last thing that you take care in a rig, but its one of the more important things, in this video I show you the importance of the skin, and I show you how you can get different deformations with the same rig, but with a different skin.
Remember, a good rig with a bad skin, still is a bad rig!
As a rigger, you have to take care about the final deformation, there is some differents ways to get a good deformation, but one basic deformer is the skin cluster.
Usually the new artists hate the process of painting skin clusters, but it's important to make peaces with this process, as a rigger you will work in them almost everyday. In fact, almost all the big studios have a lot of tools and an autorig, that means that in this studios your work as a rigger will be paint sking weights most of the time.
More information:
Even if the industry have different tools that can help you to get a good results in this process, or even if maya have some deformers that can help you with that, it's important to really understand how this deformer works, in the next link you can see a video where the great Iker de los Mozos explain that perfectly:
If you are a new rigger, you have practice a lot your skinning, everyone can do a good setup, but only a few can do a good deformations!